Sunday, January 2, 2011

Love actually is all around us...

Beginning of a New Year is the time when we all get to thinking about the old year and make resolutions for the new one. The resolutions we make are mostly the reflections of what we did not do or did not do right in the past and what we intend to change. I for one have realized that this past year I've been thinking with a cynic's heart and mind and it has brought me nothing but hopelessness and misery. Somewhere down the line, I lost my faith in Love and friendship, which is pretty sad I'd say. In a profession where I see relationships going kaput everyday and emotions being faked or ridiculed, I thought residing in a shell would be for the best. However, inside this shell that I built around me, I found life has become pretty monotonous...although I am not losing anything, I am also not gaining anything worthwhile. Hence, I've decided to come out of my shell and begin living again.

I believe the greatest happiness in the world is the conviction that you are loved…unconditionally, totally and irrevocably…but cynics say such love does not exist any more…I, however, beg to differ. This year, when you look around at the world that surrounds you, I wish you would look and really see, with eyes pure and wise, the beauty of love…the Piety of love…and be blessed with the unadulterated joy that love brings. Love actually is all around you…I wish you would find it in your heart to forgive the love that was but no more is and unearth the courage within you to give love another chance. Or if you've never really found the courage to embrace love and life ever before, then I wish you would find the strength to do so this year...let go of your insecurities and fears and live full on and make “living” your life your only resolution…the unbreakable one. As the song goes, if you love really love somebody, come on and let it show. Here’s to Living and Loving…Cheers!!

1 comment:

rainboy said...

True love, I haven't found ever.

I believe in Love coz I know mine was pure :)

Cheers to LOve and our future lovers
Take care :)